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Special Circumstances / 专业判决上诉

UWF offers a financial aid appeals process for special or unusual circumstances. Adequate documentation is required.


在UWF, we recognize that special circumstances may exist that are not sufficiently addressed by the standardized federal student aid formulas on the FAFSA or estimated cost of attendance. To account for special circumstances, Sec. 479A(a) of the Higher Education Act allows institutions to make data value adjustments on a case-by-case basis. Adequate documentation is required.

Special Circumstance Appeal (EFC/SAI Appeal): Review and possible adjustment of data values that are used to calculate the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and Student Aid Index (SAI) number. Example circumstances that may warrant an EFC/SAI appeal:

  • 收入的显著变化
  • Disability/unemployment terminated
  • 父母或配偶死亡
  • Unusually high and paid medical bills not covered by insurance
  • Significant repair expenses resulting from natural disaster.
出勤费用(COA) 专业判断力: Review and possible increase to a student's COA due to out-of-pocket expenses. Example circumstances that may warrant a COA adjustment:
  • Unusually high housing expenses*
  • Unusually high educational expenses*
  • Costs associated with a student's or dependent's disability not covered by insurance
*UWF's COA estimates are already adjusted for inflation; therefore, requests must document unusually high expenses not already accounted for in our standard COA calculations. 
An electronic appeal is not currently available for COA professional judgments. 学生可透过电邮 to inquire or start the appeal process.

Unusual Circumstance Appeal (Dependency Appeal): Unusual family circumstances that allow an applicant to apply as an independent student, i.e., parental data would not be required. Example circumstances that may warrant a dependency appeal:

  • 你的父母被关起来了
  • An abusive family environment that threatens student’s health or safety
  • 无法找到父母
  • Death of a parent and no contact with other parent

根据联邦法规, none of the conditions listed below, 单独地或组合地, qualify as unusual circumstances meriting a dependency override:

  1. Parents refuse to contribute to the student's education.
  2. Parents will not provide information for the FAFSA or 验证.
  3. Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.
  4. Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.
请注意: Independent students are required to provide asset information on their FAFSA. Students submitting an Unusual Circumstance Appeal are encouraged to ensure they have their asset information listed on their FAFSA (even if the values are all '$0'). Students who are approved for an Unusual Circumstance appeal who have not provided asset information on the FAFSA will be asked to provide it on StudentForms.


Submission process and student expectations:

  • Log into your student financial aid account at
  • 选择 + -请求 单选按钮.
  • 使用(+)单选按钮, select a Special Circumstance or Unusual Circumstance Appeal (if the option is faint, you are ineligible for that type of appeal).
  • 获选参加 验证 must first complete 验证 requirements before completing the appeal process. You will be automatically notified within your financial aid account.
  • Adequate documentation that supports the reason(s) for your appeal is required at the time of submission. Because the circumstances are specific to your situation, we cannot advise in advance of the documents required. Submit any and all relevant documents that support your reported circumstances.
  • Appeals for the current aid year will be initially reviewed within 7 to 10 business days after the form and documents have been submitted. Initial review of appeals received for an approaching aid year may take longer depending on when the appeal is submitted.
  • Once the request is initially reviewed, specific documentation may be requested.
  • Once the file is determined complete (which includes any requests for subsequent documentation), you will be notified of the decision in 7 to 10 business days.
  • 文档 截止日期和优先日期 申请上诉程序.
  • 学生账户 & 收银员的 费用支付截止日期 remain applicable regardless if you submit an appeal for review.
  • Approved appeals do not guarantee additional aid will be awarded.

欲了解更多信息,请 contact your 金融援助 Counselor 或电子邮件