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Two students smiling with cotton candy

Argo Arrival

Celebrate the start of the semester at Argo Arrival!

Argo到来是九州体育博彩bet9正式欢迎新生和归国学生的季节. 开始新学年,探索参与的机会,玩得开心,认识新朋友. Stay informed about events, opportunities to connect with your peers, and more via this site and the #ArgoArrival hashtag. Argo到达事件是免费的,所有现有的学生与有效的鹦鹉螺卡. 

Signature Events

student pictured with parents

Family Welcome

August 15 | 11:30-1:30 p.m.
Martin Hall

FREE Snacks • Merch

家长和家庭协会欢迎新生和他们的家人来学校参加宿舍入住日. 顺便去外面的家长和家庭协会的帐篷看看 Martin Hall 讨论会员福利,了解家庭周末,和其他家庭一起放松.

Student being handed a medallion

New Student Convocation

August 16 | 3-4 p.m.
Field House

Commemorative medallion 

新生大会欢迎新生和他们的家人加入UWF社区. 参加这一传统活动可获得世界自然基金会奖章, hear from University leaders, learn more about your college, get tips from current students, learn the UWF Fight Song and more. 穿着要给人留下深刻印象,因为你将有机会见到大学的高级领导. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. 

photo of students standing in backdrop

Club U-Dub

August 16 | 7-10 p.m. 
University Commons 

FREE Food • Games • Music • Merch

Club U-Dub is an event you don’t want to miss! 活动将以茶点、音乐、互动活动等为特色. 无论你喜欢高能量还是低能量的活动,都有适合每个人的. 提前到达,抢到梦寐以求的Argo Arrival t恤!

Students watching a movie at Cannon Green

Screen on the Green

August 17 | 7:30 p.m. (Movie starts: 8 p.m.)
Cannon Green

Movie • Popcorn • Giveaways

带上一条毯子和一个朋友,和我们在卡农绿地一起看户外电影吧! The first 100 Argos will receive a FREE blanket, or you can bring your own. 我们还将提供爆米花、其他零食和饮料.

Check our Instagram @uwfengagement to find out what movie is playing before the event! 

students standing in water for beach bash

Beach Bash

August 18 | 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Pensacola Beach East

FREE Food • Games • Music • Transportation

不要错过这个机会,和其他阿尔戈斯人一起逃离彭萨科拉海滩. 您将享受现场DJ播放所有您最喜欢的热门歌曲的体验, 上课前在沙滩上玩游戏,放松一下. We will provide food/snacks, water, and games. 别忘了带额外的水和防晒用品(如.e., sunscreen, umbrellas, hats). *Please Note: This is an alcohol-free event.

第一批150名从上午9点开始来到大学公共大厅的学生将获得往返海滩的交通服务.m.-9:40 a.m. 公共汽车将于上午10点从H停车场出发.m. and leave the beach beginning at 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m.

Students inside the Home in the Hub

Home in the Hub

August 20 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Commuter Hub

Snacks • Giveaways

Calling all commuter students! 在通勤中心稍作停留,它位于邮局对面的公共大楼. Socialize with other commuter students, 了解通勤学生服务办公室提供的服务, and check out the Commuter Hub home, 哪家公司为通勤学生提供了家外之家. Snacks, beverages, and giveaways will be provided.

students posing together at involvement fair

FSL Meet and Greek

August 22 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
University Commons Great Hall

Networking • FREE Food • Music

与UWF的兄弟会和姐妹会见面,同时在公共大厅享受免费食物和音乐! 了解正式招聘的机会,以及如何参与UWF的兄弟会和姐妹会生活.


Argopalooza Involvement Fair

August 23 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Cannon Green

FREE Snacks • 130+ Student Orgs

加入我们的Argopalooza,看看如何让你的大学之旅更有影响力. 您将有机会了解UWF的130多个学生组织,并了解参与大学俱乐部的机会, organizations and departments.


Additional Events

dean delivering donuts to students

Donuts with the Deans

August 19 | 8-10 a.m.
Various Locations

FREE Donuts


the International Affairs staff members

Study Abroad Open House

August 22 | 3:30-5 p.m.
Building 71

FREE Snacks • Merch

参观国际中心,享受免费的国际美食,了解UWF的海外留学项目, destinations and scholarships! UWF为您提供经济实惠、便利和包容的留学机会!

students attending a night event


August 22 | 4-7 p.m.
HLS Courtyard/Aquatics Center/Tennis Complex

FREE Food • Giveaways

准备好与RecWell一起在他们史诗般的RECCHELLA盛会上摇滚吧! This event will feature activities from Aquatics, Fitness, Intramural Sports and Sports Clubs, Outdoor Adventures, and Wellness. Come enjoy an eclectic music selection by DJ Smoov, and if you're up for a challenge, 在各种各样的活动中和你的同伴一起测试你的技能.


photo of two students attending open house

Open House

August 27 | 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
Building 19

FREE Treats • Door Prizes

Join Career Development and Community Engagement, 住房和居住生活和学生无障碍资源,为一些乐趣! Learn about Handshake, explore the Student Accessibility Resource Center, meet staff and enjoy free treats and door prizes!

students playing with dean in argo galley

Dean's Challenge Ping Pong Tournament

August 27 | Noon-1:30 p.m.
Building 22, Argo Galley

FREE Snacks 

Challenge Dr. 安德森参加了院长挑战赛乒乓球锦标赛! Will you be the next champion? 本次比赛对所有学生开放,免费参加. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

students at a career fair with employers

Part-Time Job Fair

August 28 | 1-4 p.m.
Building 22, Commons Auditorium & Great Hall


在平衡你的课程表和作业的同时寻找兼职工作是很困难的. 让它更容易帮助你寻找兼职工作! 当地雇主将到校园里寻找UWF的学生来填补空缺职位, many with flexible schedules. UWF各院系也将向学生展示他们提供的校内工作. 这是你开启新学年的综合性求职活动.


student on a inflatable slide

Wave Rave

August 29 | 8-10 p.m.
Cannon Green

FREE Snacks • Merch

进入CAB的终极夜光霓虹灯舞会! Let's get this year glowing at Wave Rave, a night of foamy fun, free food, waterslides, a DJ and more.



Get Ready for Argo Arrival!

Student using a smart phone

Download Argo Pulse

使用Argo Pulse应用程序在签名Argo到达事件中轻松办理登机手续!

Argo Pulse on Google Play

Argo Pulse on the App Store

Visit Argo Pulse Online
Hand swiping their Nautilus Card

Bring Your Nautilus Card

Argo Arrival is free 对于UWF的学生来说,所以不要忘记你的鹦鹉螺卡.

Nautilus Card info
Students using a smart phone

Text Argo Info

在阿尔戈抵达期间和全年,阿尔戈信息文本线在这里为您服务: 850.266.7750. Ask questions. Get answers.

Text Argo Info

Frequently Asked Questions

在Instagram上关注Student Engagement @uwfengagement 获取关于Argo到达的最新信息! 继续跟随阿尔戈抵达后的方法保持参与和参与全年.

活动对在读学生是免费的,所以请携带有效的鹦鹉螺卡参加每个活动. 做好充分准备,你可以从具体的活动中获得最大的收获. For instance, bring your sunglasses and sunscreen to Argopalooza, and dress to impress for New Student Convocation.

You don’t need to register or sign up ahead of time. 工作人员会在每个活动现场让你签到, so just be sure to bring your valid Nautilus Card.

大多数Argo到达活动都会提供饮料、食物和零食. 有关更具体的信息,请查看上面的事件详细信息.

Argo到达活动是为目前在读的UWF学生准备的. 新生的家庭成员被邀请参加新生大会和家庭欢迎, but all other events are for students only.